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Ringlorn Saga
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7 Nov. 2022
539 MB 1 081

Turing Complete
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Oct 2 2021
262 MB 4,376

Orbital Bullet – The 360 ​​Rogue-lite
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March 21 2022
2.02 GB 31,028

Dr. Chatelet: Faith
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30 Nov. 2022
661 MB 2,053

Basements n' Basilisks: Storms of Sorcery
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27 Feb. 2023
176 MB 929

Fire and Maneuver
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April 19 2023
4.3 GB 17 133

Absolute Drift
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July 29 2015
155 MB 10 738

Drake Hollow
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Oct 1 2020
1.96 GB 28 008

Tales of Maj'Eyal
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Dec 31 2012
804.75 MB 18,654

Meg's Monster
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March 2 2023
178.8 MB 1,519

Full Metal Sergeant
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April 3 2023
158.4 MB 1 984

Dr. Chatelet: Faith
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30 Nov. 2022
661 MB 2,052