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STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl
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Q1 2024
193.82 GB 463 507

Dogfight 1942
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Sep 21 2012
892.33 MB 26,349

Mars Tactics
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144 MB 8 160

Insurgency: Sandstorm
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Dec 12 2018
15.40 GB 225 131

Dungeon Defenders: Awakened
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May 28. 2020
2.86 GB 24 593

Garbage Truck Simulator
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Feb 9 2023
3.5 GB 5 960

Protodroid DeLTA
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May 25. 2023
2.48 GB 2,714

War of Velana
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Coming soon
276.40 MB 6 100

Legendary Hoplite
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Feb 2 2024
1.16 GB 4,356

Plan B: Terraform
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15 Feb. 2023
301 MB 37 237

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May 21. 2019
110 MB 4,612

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202.11 MB 69,934