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Svoboda 1945: Liberation
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Aug 3 2021
6.4 GB 15 704

Armored Brigade
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15 Nov. 2018
551 MB 15 621

Yars: Recharged
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Aug 23 2022
194 MB 5 106

Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space
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March 19 2013
32 MB 13 056

Krampus Kills
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Dec 2 2022
8.62 GB 6,249

Ship Simulator Extremes
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Aug 27 2010
1.37 GB 34 801

Inferno - Beyond the 7th Circle
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April 30 2021
1.07 GB 11,013

Asteroids: Recharged
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Dec 14 2021
245 MB 4.8

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28 Oct. 2022
2.52 GB 6,442

Planet TD
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Jan 6 2023
152.38 MB 6 578

Ghost of Dragon
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26 Oct. 2022
1.59 GB 11 346

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Sep 18 2015
673.5 MB 2 494