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Escape from Tarkov
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Escape from Tarkov

v | SPT-AKI 3.8.0 [New Version] in Russian
(Full version) Latest in extra. distributions
November 17, 2023, 11:43 am.
update details
There is also a version for playing online (pirate).
  • Escape from Tarkov, a multiplayer first-person shooter with RPG and MMO elements, is one of the few games that conveys a story based on a fictional conflict but real interests. On the territory of Tarkov, in the Norvinsk region, there is a war between USEC and BEAR soldiers. Our hero is a simple soldier who is trying to get out of Tarkov at any cost, but to do this he will have to meet fellow survivors of the conflict, try to survive and take something valuable with him.

    There are several types of fighters in the game. USEC - soldiers of the European Union. BEAR is a Russian hired army. The wild ones were former residents of Tarkov, now they are bandits. They have their own leaders, scattered throughout all points. Wild Raiders live in the Reserve and Laboratory. Especially dangerous. Traders are a real caste of industrial geniuses in the closed city. They have their own channels of communication with the whole world.

    Also inside the game there are many characters who convey the spirit of the project itself, but also help you in the process of passing. There are many locations in the game. Such as Forest, Reserve, Laboratory, Factory, Customs, Shore. At each of them you will meet characters with whom you will either have to fight or defend them. Quests are scattered throughout the area. Tarkov itself is a northwestern city. The population in peacetime is almost 1 million people. Diseases, day and night, an economic system, items, improvements, character leveling and much more have been added to the game!
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RePack from Chovka
Version: v | SPT-AKI 3.8.0 [New Version] in Russian
rulngThe crack for the game (text) can be found above under the spoiler.
More current version: v | SPT-AKI 3.8.0 [New Version] in Russian
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 Size: 17.28 GB
Post updated - Yesterday, 23:03.
    • Release date: Aug 31 2017
    • Genre: Action, RPG, Shooters, Survival
    • Developer: Battlestate Games
    • Interface: Russian
    • Voice acting: English
System requirements

    Escape from Tarkov, a multiplayer first-person shooter with RPG and MMO elements, is one of the few games that conveys a story based on a fictional conflict but real interests. On the territory of Tarkov, in the Norvinsk region, there is a war between USEC and BEAR soldiers. Our hero is a simple soldier who is trying to get out of Tarkov at any cost, but to do this he will have to meet fellow survivors of the conflict, try to survive and take something valuable with him.

    There are several types of fighters in the game. USEC - soldiers of the European Union. BEAR is a Russian hired army. The wild ones were former residents of Tarkov, now they are bandits. They have their own leaders, scattered throughout all points. Wild Raiders live in the Reserve and Laboratory. Especially dangerous. Traders are a real caste of industrial geniuses in the closed city. They have their own channels of communication with the whole world.

    Also inside the game there are many characters who convey the spirit of the project itself, but also help you in the process of passing. There are many locations in the game. Such as Forest, Reserve, Laboratory, Factory, Customs, Shore. At each of them you will meet characters with whom you will either have to fight or defend them. Quests are scattered throughout the area. Tarkov itself is a northwestern city. The population in peacetime is almost 1 million people. Diseases, day and night, an economic system, items, improvements, character leveling and much more have been added to the game!

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Version:v | SPT-AKI 3.8.0 [New Version] in Russian
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17.28 GB