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Blind Survivor
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Blind Survivor

(Full version) Latest in extra. distributions
12 October 2022, 19:37.
update details
There is also a version for playing online (pirate).

Blind Survivor is an unusual adventure game with a unique protagonist: a blind survivor. When the action starts, his speech recounts events from his life before an audible fire nearby breaks out - signalling to players to assume control, though nothing changes on screen and you still only see blackness!


Blind Survivor offers you the experience of life as a blind person through its total immersion mode, where players assume control of a character with enhanced hearing acting as sonar to explore space more freely than before - while simultaneously exploring levels in darkness while defeating adversaries! With your protagonist having incredible hearing capabilities heightened due to blindness, this adds another sense to his repertoire, including sonar-like hearing to explore your surroundings with. A button has been designated specifically for listening. Sonar allows him to navigate spatially by illuminates objects around him which makes navigation possible as it illuminates light objects around him thus creating space navigation; in terms of mechanics it's all about exploring darkness while defeating opponents!


Overall gameplay in First Person Action mode involves first person fighting action; your weapon of choice includes an assault gun to help fight enemies in pitch darkness. As part of your hero you will encounter many challenges and engage in multiple conflicts to fit with his environment; therefore listening out for any slight noise can provide immediate responses in emergency situations with just hearing and fast reaction times being necessary to be successful in survival mode.

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RePack from Chovka
rulngThe crack for the game (text) can be found above under the spoiler.
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 Size: 27.9 MB
Post updated - Yesterday, 23:03.
    • Released: March 7 2024
    • Genre: Action , Adventure , Indie
    • Developer: Meedoc
    • Interface: English
    • Voice acting: English
System requirements
    • OS: XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
    • Processor: Pentium 3 1.7 GHz
    • RAM: 128 MB
    • Video card: 64 MB
    • Disk space: 28 MB
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27.9 MB