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Nearly Dead - Live and Let Die
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Nearly Dead - Live and Let Die

v Build 12759897 [New Version] in Russian
(Full version) Latest in extra. distributions
  • Release date: 21 Nov. 2023 2023
  • Developer: Mono Software, Inc.
  • Genre: Action, Indie, Shooters, RPG
27 November 2023, 14:24.
update details
There is also a version for playing online (pirate).

Nearly Dead - Live and Let Die is an addictive game that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Your goal is to fight off waves of enemies using various skills and weapons. The game is built on a top-down basis, which means you will have a bird's eye view of the battlefield, allowing you to strategize and plan your actions accordingly.

One of the unique What makes Nearly Dead - Live and Let Die special is the variety of abilities. With dozens of skills and over 300 types of items to purchase, there's always a new way to play. You will need to combine these skills and items to create powerful synergistic effects that will help you survive the upcoming battles. As you progress, you'll encounter increasingly formidable enemies that will require you to explore and evolve alongside your teammates. Whether you're fighting hordes of zombies or facing off against powerful bosses, the game is designed to keep you on your toes and constantly test you.

One of the most interesting aspects is the variety of guns available to users. From swords and pistols to chainsaws and flamethrowers, you'll have access to an arsenal of never-before-seen weapons with a variety of designs. Whether you prefer close combat or long-range sniping, there is everything to create your own unique gameplay style. If you live long enough and become strong enough, you can visit new regions to fight bosses or end these fights.

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RePack from Chovka
Version: v Build 12759897 [New Version] in Russian
rulngThe crack for the game (text) can be found above under the spoiler.
More current version: v Build 12759897 [New Version] in Russian
is located in the block -Additional distributions.
 Size: 115.14 MB
Post updated - Yesterday, 23:03.
    • Release date: 21 Nov. 2023
    • Genre: Action, Indie, Shooters, RPG
    • Developer: Mono Software, Inc.
    • Interface: Russian
    • Voice acting: Absent
System requirements
    • OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
    • Processor:Intel Core i3
    • RAM: 4 GB
    • Video card: 1 GB
    • Disk space: 1 GB


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Version:v Build 12759897 [New Version] in Russian
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115.14 MB