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Tortuga - A Pirate's Tale
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Tortuga - A Pirate's Tale

v [New Version] in Russian
(Full version) Latest in extra. distributions
  • Release date: Jan 19 2023 2023
  • Developer: Gaming Minds Studios
  • Genre: Strategy
21 April 2023, 20:34.
update details
There is also a version for playing online (pirate).

In Tortuga - A Pirate's Tale you will explore the Caribbean Sea, traveling around the islands by ship. The action takes place in the 17th century in four powers of the Old World. Having become a pirate, you will need to upgrade 35 different skills that will allow you to become a thunderstorm of the seas. You will need to rob other ships, board ships and save 4 colonies: Spanish, Dutch, French and English. Having moored the ship in the harbor, you can start pumping, selling looted goods and hiring a crew. There are 18 types of ships available: battleship, frigate, military galleon and others.

Naval battles are presented with turn-based mechanics. The ships are located in a hexagonal grid, along which you can both move and estimate the attack range. Various types of buckshot damage the hull, masts, or kill crew on deck. Having created a fleet, you will need to engage in battle with huge warships. The vessel is improved by upgrading the hull, mast, bow and weapons. There are over 360 types of equipment available in Tortuga - A Pirate's Tale. The team needs to be paid in gold. You will need to share the spoils with your people.

Before leaving the port, a spoils agreement is drawn up, setting goals and rewards for the crew. While traveling around Tortuga you can meet several legendary pirates. The storyline includes main and secondary tasks. It will take about 25 hours to complete. Tasks are issued by other corsairs or governors. Earned doubloons are spent not only on leveling up, but also on rum, which can be drunk in local taverns. Over a drink you can learn the secrets and location of treasures.

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RePack from Chovka
Version: v [New Version] in Russian
rulngThe crack for the game (text) can be found above under the spoiler.
More current version: v [New Version] in Russian
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 Size: 3.33 GB
Post updated - Yesterday, 23:03.
    • Release date: Jan 19 2023
    • Genre: Strategy
    • Developer: Gaming Minds Studios
    • Interface: Russian
    • Voice acting: Russian
System requirements
    • OS: Windows 7, 8, 10 (64 bits)
    • Processor: Intel Core i5 2400s (2.5 GHz) / AMD FX 4100 (3.6 GHz)
    • RAM: 8 GB
    • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 / AMD Radeon HD7970
    • Disk space: 4.97 GB
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Version:v [New Version] in Russian
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3.33 GB