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Aliens vs. Predator
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Aliens vs. Predator

v 08.10.22 + DLC [New Version] in Russian
(Full version) Latest in extra. distributions
  • Release date: March 8 2024 2024
  • Developer: Rebellion
  • Genre: Action , Shooters , Survival , Adventure , Strategy
October 8, 2022, 6:36 pm.
update details
There is also a version for playing online (pirate).

After his spaceship crashes, Aliens vs Predator sends two squads to Planet BG-386 where, while in the basement, he realizes his entire team are dead; using weapons available he finds and calls up his corporal who sends him towards an adjacent club where survivors from his detachment have hidden themselves; finding remnants of combat power while there, however most have perished; another similar squad arrives but is intercepted by Xenomorphs that capture him while retreating, leading them into its embrace until finally being captured within it by these formidable alien beings!


Survival-horror first-person shooter Van Zandt: Rise from the Mines will challenge us to save another Van Zandt character from imminent doom. After awakening in a mineshaft, our hero emerges to distribute voltage across his force field before heading back out again; Tequila then points out Van who needs saving. Unfortunately for him however, artificial intelligence gives Xenomorphs the edge they need in terms of fighting from behind the shadows - something the game strives to simulate with each encounter


Gameplay in Monster Killing Arena revolves around killing monsters while simultaneously engaging with dialogue. To progress from level to level, not only must one kill, but they must also solve puzzles using flashlight or chemical light sources as most levels are dark. Available weapons include shotgun, pistol, pulse rifles, sniper rifles, machine guns and flamethrowers; some weapons are episodic in their availability; the player has three slots open for weapons (with exception to machine guns which take up two slots at a time), with machine guns using up two at once; to detect opponents quickly there has also been created a special motion detector to keep an eye out. Survivor characters cannot quickly restore health so will need special syringes that gradually restore HP levels over time.

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RePack from Chovka
Version: v 08.10.22 + DLC [New Version] in Russian
rulngThe crack for the game (text) can be found above under the spoiler.
More current version: v 08.10.22 + DLC [New Version] in Russian
is located in the block -Additional distributions.
 Size: 5.28 GB
Post updated - Yesterday, 23:03.
    • Release date: March 8 2024
    • Genre: Action , Shooters , Survival , Adventure , Strategy
    • Developer: Rebellion
    • Interface: Russian
    • Voice acting: None
System requirements
    • OS: 7, 8, 10
    • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3.4 GHz or equivalent
    • RAM: 1 GB / 2 GB
    • Video card: with 128 MB video memory, compatible with DirectX 9.0c
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Version:v 08.10.22 + DLC [New Version] in Russian
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5.28 GB