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v [New Version]
(Full version) Latest in extra. distributions
  • Release date: March 1. 2024 2022
  • Developer: RaceLeague
  • Genre: Action , Indie , Racing , Simulation
25 November 2022, 18:30.
update details
There is also a version for playing online (pirate).

RaceLeague is ideal for racing enthusiasts looking for something a bit different; users have full control of where and how often to drive on each road and turns. Sometimes there can even be mad chaos as riders collide, leading to massive accidents!


Players will become both terrain designers and professional racers simultaneously. To start racing, first create or access the shared library filled with player creations uploaded by other players themselves; all tools are accessible within minutes and placement options are unrestricted - for instance if you need an abrupt huge spruce among asphalt? No problem! Furthermore, dirt roads provide another challenge where realistic car physics come into play: when hit at speed by obstacles your parts fly apart into various directions before hopefully continuing forward motion!


RaceLigue was developed for those who seek something fresh in a familiar genre. Your creations can be put up on public display after completion and reviewed by other users; or become an impartial tester who informs other creators which elements they need to add in order to complicate races further.

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RePack from Chovka
Version: v [New Version]
rulngThe crack for the game (text) can be found above under the spoiler.
More current version: v [New Version]
is located in the block -Additional distributions.
 Size: 656.1 MB
Post updated - Yesterday, 23:03.
    • Release date: July 26 2022
    • Genre: Action , Indie , Racing , Simulation
    • Developer: RaceLeague
    • Interface: English
    • Voice acting: None
System requirements
    • OS: Windows 7, 8, 10 (64 bit)
    • Processor: Intel Core i3
    • RAM: 4 GB
    • Video card: Nvidia Geforce GTX 750ti
    • Disk space: 500 MB
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Version:v [New Version]
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656.1 MB