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v [New Version] in Russian
(Full version) Latest in extra. distributions
  • Release date: Sep 27 2016 2016
  • Developer: SaintHeiser
  • Genre: Indie
16 February 2023, 14:51.
update details
There is also a version for playing online (pirate).

Sig.NULL is an engaging blend of cybernetic settings, pixel art and puzzles designed with simplicity in mind. Addictively entertaining for hours at a time thanks to its constant change of approach towards passing, the main task for players will be moving the cubes until their ultimate mission of delivering certain objects onto an appropriate platform has been completed. At first glance this task may appear straightforward but due to synchronized movement its complexity becomes clear quickly: for example moving one green block will cause others to move in unison as one green block moves or even better: indestructible formation will keep the cube in place and stay put if there.

At first, only one type of object needs to be arranged; later on though, their number increases and so the task becomes more challenging. Therefore, it is crucial that game players carefully plan out their moves as any unnecessary ones may lead to inferior results at specific levels. Should something go awry with any move planned out for any given level, cancel it using "return of time", which simply rolls back movements back to original positions of chips. Additionally, special sectors dedicated solely for colored blocks will be made available and winning at Sig.NULL requires finding perfect matches!

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RePack from Chovka
Version: v [New Version] in Russian
rulngThe crack for the game (text) can be found above under the spoiler.
More current version: v [New Version] in Russian
is located in the block -Additional distributions.
 Size: 68.5 MB
Post updated - Yesterday, 23:03.
    • Release date: Sep 27 2016
    • Genre: Indie
    • Developer: SaintHeiser
    • Interface: Russian
    • Voice acting: None
System requirements
    • ОС: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
    • Processor: Dual Core 2.0 GHz
    • RAM: 1.5 GB
    • Video card: HD Graphics 4000
    • Disk space: 100 MB
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Version:v [New Version] in Russian
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68.5 MB