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Vampire: The Masquerade – Swansong
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Vampire: The Masquerade – Swansong

v 51942 + DLC - Primogen Edition [New Version] in Russian
(Full version) Latest in extra. distributions
June 1, 2023, 2:33 pm
update details
There is also a version for playing online (pirate).

Vampire: The Masquerade - Swansong is a role-playing game based on the cult board game World of Darkness. You have to take on the role of three vampires from different clans. Each hero has different abilities and skills. Try to keep them sane and prevent their inner beast from coming out. The plot is distinguished by its huge variability, where your every action affects the fate of Boston.

Dive into the intrigues of the Camarilla and welcome to the world of darkness. Vampire: The Masquerade - Swansong is a true swan song of the entire series, referencing previous games such as Bloodlines, Redemption, etc. The story tells how the children of darkness live among people and try to live according to human laws. Immerse yourself in the complex twists and turns of their conflicts and discover how their conspiracies have changed our world and determined the fate of humanity for many millennia. Each clan pursues its own goals and sees the future in its own way. The game focuses on Hazel Iversen, who is called Swan. She becomes the princess of the Boston Camarilla. Her main goal is to follow the ancient Traditions and strictly follow the Masquerade, not letting people know about the existence of bloodsuckers. You will take on an investigation that can help Hazel carry out her plan, or plunge Boston into chaos and create clan feud.

Playing as Caleb, Leisha or Emem radically changes the approach to gameplay. All protagonists have individual abilities and disciplines. Intimidate, seduce, or act secretly. Go through a complex plot showing the intricacies of destinies, find out different points of view, choose who to trust and who is blatantly lying, etc. As a vampire who is a hundred years old, try to satisfy your bloodlust. Feed on time and don’t let the crazy beast take over your mind. And remember that every decision you make has its consequences and affects your relationships with other characters. The lives of many heroes and the fate of humanity are in your hands!

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RePack from Chovka
Version: v 51942 + DLC - Primogen Edition [New Version] in Russian
rulngThe crack for the game (text) can be found above under the spoiler.
More current version: v 51942 + DLC - Primogen Edition [New Version] in Russian
is located in the block -Additional distributions.
 Size: 14.01 GB
Post updated - Yesterday, 23:03.
    • Release date: May 30. 2023
    • Genre: Adventure , RPG , Action
    • Developer: Big Bad Wolf
    • Interface: Russian
    • Voice acting: English
System requirements
    • OS: Windows 10 (64-bit)
    • Processor: Intel Core i5-2300 2.80 GHz
    • RAM: 6 GB
    • Video card: Radeon HD 7790, 4 GB / GeForce GTX 750Ti, 4 GB
    • Disk space: 23 GB
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Version:v 51942 + DLC - Primogen Edition [New Version] in Russian
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14.01 GB